
Showing posts from December, 2018

How To Create A Standout WhatsApp Clone

The number in using the online chat apps keeps on growing at a rapid rate. It was 1.82 billion in 2014 and at present, it is 2.01 billion. Anticipating it to be 2.48 billion by 2021. This boosts the chance for entrepreneurs to incline towards online chat app business. Facebook and WhatsApp dominate this landscape. You can also have your Chat app also carve out a niche. So why hassle about what will work? And what not? Use a WhatsApp clone to build your instant online chat app. So to create a standout WhatsApp clone shouldn’t miss out any prevailing attributes on a chat app. Here are 12 features you shouldn’t miss out VOIP - Let users make an endless audio call using the mobile data. Which is becoming the most popular feature. Multimedia sharing - Enable attach buttons to share instant endless videos and images. You can limit the size of media but don't limit the quantity. Group calling - This feature could come in handy for personal and also business chats. Exactly whil